From EYFS, we aim to ensure that all pupils:
Whilst not all knowledge topic areas are covered within every year group, many topics are introduced in earlier years and then built upon in later years. We ensure recap of previous topics are strong and we aim for children to build strong branches of connections across a range of scientific ideas. Furthermore, children develop their skills to work scientifically when investigating throughout their time at Lyne and Longcross. They make connections with previous investigation skills and build on what they have previously learnt. Working scientifically and opportunities to investigate take equal weight within the curriculum as knowledge learning and both knowledge and investigation are interlinked.
Our science curriculum is mapped and planned to allow for maximum engagement and to encourage children to make connections and see science in the world around them. Our EYFS take a ‘hands on’ immersive approach to their science, exploring what they see around them and their science learning is linked to times of year and seasons. This is continued into year 1 for the autumn term, before more independent style learning is then introduced. Our curriculum, split into science knowledge and working scientifically skills, is broken down and mapped out for each group, allowing full coverage of the national curriculum and to encourage strong recap across years. Whilst not all topic areas are covered within every year group, many topics are introduced in earlier years and then built upon in later years e.g light is seen in both year 3 and 6. Where this occurs, we ensure previous learning is recapped and revisited whilst new teaching points are covered creatively. Although key learning is revised to ensure it forms a foundation to new learning, knowledge is continuously progressed and building to new heights.
Furthermore, to assist strong recap of previous topics, each year group, except year 4, will have a half term where no new science learning is planned. Over a series of ‘recap objectives’ teachers will revisit key learning from previous year groups throughout their lessons. Recapping content is the main focus; progression is only appropriate where a child might extend themselves to apply their knowledge to new challenges. To group and organise this, recap lessons may be themed around an ‘idea’ not necessarily titles from the science curriculum. Each lesson will have a few bullet points of curriculum to revisit, discuss and complete activities for.
We encourage wide exploration of topics within our science learning and across the year, children will enjoy workshops, trips and other engaging experiences to expand their science learning further. We also encourage links with our community through parents in STEM careers delivering sessions for the children at Lyne and Longcross and showing them how science could play a big part in their future jobs. Science weeks and days are big events in our school calendar and we enjoy opportunities for the children to experience science beyond their curriculum.
Children use their scientific knowledge regularly within lessons. Through real life examples, exploratory questions, use of resources and scientific investigations, children will apply their knowledge to different contexts to remind them how the facts and information fit within our wider world. Where possible, strong links are made with class themes, allowing further connections and cross-curricular relationships to be made.
Working scientifically
In connection to the topic they are learning, children will be asked questions to investigate and will get their own opportunities to answer questions they may have. Encouraging curiosity, children will be able to plan and carry out fun investigations, with growing independence as they advance through the school. Each topic has a key investigation question, however further exploration and questions will be included also. Working scientifically and opportunities to investigate take equal weight within the curriculum as knowledge learning and both knowledge and investigation will be interlinked.
Throughout the years, children develop their skills to work scientifically, building on what they have previously learnt. All skills are mapped out in the knowledge and skills progression map showing the skills each year group covers, and how that is built upon in future stages. Children become familiar with the process of investigating throughout their time at school. Working scientifically skills are separated into ‘questions’, ‘observations’, ‘presentation’, ‘analysis’ and finally ‘concluding (in year 3 upwards) and this structure is maintained from Reception to Year 6. These skills are shown in different forms in our lessons and marked with a letter coding in books to represent the skill. Symbols to match the skills are also shown in the front of the children’s books and on science displays.
Year 5 air resistance - Nov '23
Year 5 have been exploring forces. They made parachutes and tested the effects of air resistance when dropped from a height.
Space Dome, year 1 and 5 - Oct '23
Both year 5 and year 1 enjoyed a visit from a space dome in Aut 1. For our year 1s, they had been learning about Neil Armstrong exploring the moon in English making the perfect connection to space exploration. For our year 5's, it connected to their space learning in science.
Year 5 Space Trip - Oct '23
Year 5 enjoyed a trip to Winchester science center in connection with their learning on space. They explored the planetarium, enjoyed a workshop and spent time around the science center exploring lots of fun things.
Year 6 Light Learning - Sep '23
Year 6 have been learning about Light. They completed an experiment to explore if the distance between the light source and object effected the shadow. They also recreated the effect of an object blocking light (spaghetti!) on creating a shadow. Finally, they linked their learning to their theme of 'war and peace' to create periscopes like that which was used in the WWI trenches.
Science Week - March '23
It was Science Week 13th-17th March and we celebrated across the school. We started our week with a bang with Jack from Genie Lab delivering a whole school assembly with an exciting array of experiments. We learnt all about oxygen, helium, carbon dioxide (as dry ice) and mixing solutions as he put on an exciting show. There was lots of things that went pop, bang and whizz, as well as lots of flames, floating bubbles and fizzing solutions. Our reception rabbits were almost swallowed by waves of dry ice mist! The children loved it and it helped inspire the start of our week.
We continued with experiments in class, looking at phenomena and exciting ideas such as the skittles in water. We learnt how the sugar dissolves in the water to give us beautiful rainbow designs.
Year 5 Forces workshop - February '23
Tim, engineer at McLaren, came in to teach year 5 during their science topic on forces. They explored gravity, friction and air resistance through a series of experiments using paper, ramps and timers and used his extensive knowledge to answer questions.
Year 6 Microorganisms workshop - January '23
Dr Marsden, medical scientist and expert on microorganisms and infectious diseases, came in to teach year 6 during their science topic on living things. They have been learning all about classifying plants and animals and Dr Marsden helped them learn all about the world of microorganisms. She also assisted in setting up an investigation looking at the growth of microbes from different locations.
World Science Day - November '22
For world science day, we ran a house competition across the school. In our houses, we designed and built tin foil boats considering the waterproof material as well the effect of gravity and buoyancy. At the end of the day, we all came together in the hall to test the best boats and see the overall winner!
Well done to Tringham!
STEM expert parent visits
We are extremely lucky at Lyne and Longcross that we have many amazing parents in many amazing STEM careers and job roles. We have had visits and workshops led by these experts across all years groups in the '21-22 academic year. We have had sessions on micro-organisms, invasive species, the human body & exercise, dinosaurs & fossils, rocks and plants & trees and we have loved every single session.
Thank you to all the amazing parents who have volunteered their time!
Science Week - March '22
Across the week, children in all year groups enjoyed scientific activities, unlinked to their curriculum and explored new and exciting ideas to engage and inspire. We saw dancing raisins, floating tin foil boats and camouflaged lizards!
Some of our amazing parent STEM experts also visited us in school to lead workshops with years 3 and 4.
Finally, all classes from year 1 to year 6 enjoyed a cross curricular drama workshop looking at the science and risks of global warming.
Below are a range of useful links to inspire your children with all things science and help them with their curriculum learning.
KS1 BBC Bitesize
A range of useful videos and information for KS1 science learning
KS2 BBC Bitesize
A range of useful videos and information for KS2 science learning
National Geographic
For all areas of science with links to geography, history and world culture
NASA Kid's Club
A range of games and information about space and beyond!
Earthwatc Education
Inspiring positive action for the planet
Wow Science
Amazing science tasks and activities for primary aged children